Friday, January 10, 2014

Review: Quest Bars

If you are part of any form of online low carb community be it Reddit, My Fitness Pal, Facebook or even pintrest (sorry I don't have a link, Pintrest scares me) chances are you have heard of quest bars. These magical bars are hailed as the perfect thing to have in the cupboard instead of chocolate, can be eaten for breakfast, as a lunch extra or just because you feel like some low carb goodness. Given that they are helluva expensive to order in bulk- around £25 for 12 bars, I thought I would give some individual flavours a try, to avoid spending £25 on something that tasted like sand, instead spending £3 on ebay for each of the flavours that I wanted to try.

White Chocolate and Raspberry

I normally am a great fan of anything white chocolate and raspberry related, they are two great flavours and compliment each other well. This, on the other hand was not great, it tasted ok, but the bar left a funny taste in my mouth that the others did not and I felt like I'd been cheated of those 5g carbs. 

Nutritional Information: 190 kcal, 5g carbs, 8g fat, 20g protein, 17g fibre, 1g sugar alcohol.

Cinamon Roll

This was a bar which suffered slightly from me putting it in the microwave in it's wrapper. Nonetheless I enjoyed it, not enough to want 12 of them but it wasn't too sweet and wasn't overly cinamonny. Just a really good flavour.

Nutritional Information: 170 kcal, 1g carbs, 6g fat, 20g protein, 17g fibre, 6g sugar alcohol.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

My favourite of all the bars I bought, this was a perfect chocolate chip treat. Totally worth buying again, not horrible aftertaste, no problem with the flavour.

Nutritional Information: 190 kcal, 3g carbs, 8g fat, 21g protein, 17g fibre, 1g sugar alcohol.

Banana Nut Muffin
My second favourite bar, this bar is amazing as a dessert when you can heat it in the microwave, add some whipped cream and eat it with a spoon it's lush. However it suffers in a way the chocolate chip doesn't in that it tastes awful cold, a microwave is necessary for this bar so it demoted to second place.

Nutritional Information: 170 kcal, 5g carbs, 5g fat, 20g protein, 17g fibre, 4g sugar alcohol.

All in all Quest bars are quite good, I'm still not convinced they are worth the money but when the alternative is all the atkins crap that is on the market I would take these any day. It is definitely worth heating them up first though, only for about 10 seconds just so they go slightly squidgy before eating.

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