Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jelly cups

Portable Jelly Cups

Now after a horrendously long hiatus from blogging, which can only be explained by a major keto-wagon abandoning because of lack of funds/time/preparation and general foolishness I am back, now didn't you all miss me.

This particular recipe (recipe is a bit of a stretch here) came from the fact I'd started buying the pre-made jelly cups as part of my lunch each day, which considering they are the same price as the jelly powder seemed a bit stupid. The trouble with jelly is that it needs a fridge, try to take it where there is no fridge and it- well it melts. First time round I just added a gelatin sachet to the normal amount of jelly powder, I got rock hard jelly but it was completely tasteless.

So... this time and for all times since I have used both sides of the jelly sachet, made it up-to a pint, poured into 5 of the Hartleys jelly cups you have cunningly put aside in your cupboard and voila- 5 portable lunch desserts that try as they might won't melt in the middle of the day, for the low low price of 67p from Sainsbury (other supermarkets are available).

Things you will need

2 sachets of Hartley's sugar free jelly
1/2 pint boiled water
1/2 pint cold water
5-6 small cups

What you do

  1. Boil the kettle for your half pint.
  2. Put two sachets of jelly powder in a jug, add the boiled water and stir until dissolved.
  3. Top the jelly up with 1/2 pint of cold water.
  4. Pour the jelly into the molds.
  5. Set in the fridge (takes about 4 hours)
  6. Take with you to work!

Tip: I have a friend who eats the cookie dough dessert on a regular basis from Pizza hut. The lids for the ice-cream pots fit these jelly pots exactly if you don't have a mold that fits in a lunchbox. Alternatively just cover with a little bit of foil.


  1. I missed ya! Yay Olive's back! HAPPY NEW YEAR HAPPY XMAS HAPPY LIFE TO YA! XXX

    1. Innit! Back with lots of blogs coming up, because what else am I going to do with a HUGE deadline looming. xx
