Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fat Fast Day 1

Given that I have been on a pretty hard plateau for the last 6 weeks, I tried many things to break it. I tried reducing my calories, upping my calories, cutting out all sweetener, cutting out nuts, and decreasing my fat ratio. For various reasons I took last week off keto, still eating my meals keto but snacks crept in that were very much not keto. This week I am getting back on the wagon and have decided to do a fat fast for 2-3 days to kick start ketosis and get me back on the weightloss path.

The premise of a fat fast: 1000 calories, 90% fat, lots and lots of water.

Day One:

Luckily I'm seeing it as luck and not because I'm a lazy arse, I woke up at 12pm today and am not hungry, probably the result of stuffing my face with banana cake and scones at Mother's day afternoon tea yesterday.  My mission is to drink water until I actually feel hungry, all too often I eat a massive breakfast when I not hungry, it gets to 4pm and I've only enough calories for celery. Given that I'm only allowing myself to eat the paltry amount of 1000 calories that can't happen today.

4pm- Bullet Proof coffee -161 kcal 100% fat- 250ml coffee, 10g butter, 10g coconut oil

So 2 litres of water later, I lasted as long as I could, but that horrible hunger that I associate with eating carbs came back. You know the one, where your entire stomach growls and crunches until you give it what you want. A bp coffee definitely got rid of my hunger, I swear that stuff is magical!

5pm Babybel, 20g Broccoli cooked in 25g butter and smothered in pepper- 247 Kcal 89% fat

Ok, so the BP didn't get rid of my hunger for that long, and I didn't want to drink another one, I love that stuff but my lips don't need that much grease. I was a bit worried before starting this fast that I wouldn't find a way to eat any veggies, or more importantly use up the broccoli in the fridge. This found a way, and it was nice to actually eat something, I actually ended up eating the left over butter with a spoon, gotta get those tasty fats, especially given the babybel isn't technically part of a fat fast, but I ate it staring at the fridge wondering what to eat. Slightly drowning in water at this point!

9pm-Shirataki noodles, 1 bacon rasher cooked in butter, 50g cream cheese- 229 kcal, 80% fat

I made the epic mistake of going to the supermarket before I had dinner to get some cream to go with my jelly later, and also some more jelly for tomorrow. Wandering round Sainsburys like a forlone child staring at isle of cheeses and meats was not the way to go. I haven't had any carb cravings but at 9pm I was about ready to give up and cook myself a bacon mountain. I'm not sure what I would have done for "dinner" without the noodles, bacon heated in cream cheese just isn't as appealing. This was a tiny portion but at least I could pretend it was real food!

9.30pm- One serving of sugar free jelly, 40ml Extra thick double cream- 180kcal 92% fat

This took the edge off my hunger, and since this is a normal dessert for me I didn't feel like I was giving anything up. Still hungry having eaten it though, so I shall drink more water and watch some Glee to forget about it!

10pm- Vegetable stock cube in a mug.

Starting to feel a bit shaky, which I normally get after a few days on keto when I have forgotten to have some salt. I didn't want to eat my last section of food just yet, so the stock cube will have to do the job until a bit later on.


At this stage I've only eaten 885kcal, and you know what I'm not hungry. I'm peeing every 20 minutes but I'm not hungry! Normally after 1400 calories I'm dreaming about food, so this is an unexpected positive.

11.56pm- Coke float- glass of diet coke, 40ml extra thick double cream(my hand slipped it was meant to be 25ml)

Ok, I take it back, I'm hungry. Not properly hungry, I just feel a bit empty. I'm glad I saved those calories from earlier for a fabulous coke float! Which took me straight back to when I was a child and we used to be given them as a treat.

Totals for the day-  1065Kcal, 89% fat, 8% protein, 3% carbs

I also drank 1.5 litres of sugar free squash, some diet coke and 6 litres of water, no wonder I was peeing so much.

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