Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Battered Pork Balls

On Saturday I look myself off keto and consumed bagels, yum yums what is it about Sainsburys yum yums, I swear they are like crack  and chocolate. All of which I have consumed separately since starting keto and had no adverse reactions. However in combination they have turned into the foods from hell and left me writhing in pain, and downing water like I'm sitting in the middle of a desert in the vain hope the pain will go away for the last two days. Serves me right for eating the things that made me fat in the first place.

After that lovely image, I knew what I needed, I needed something carby that wouldn't aggravate me and was tasty. I had some pork left over from my roast and a craving for Chinese, so I decided to make my own battered pork balls.

Ingredients (makes two servings )

150g Diced pork (I used cooked, but you can use raw and just increase the frying time)
1 large egg- lightly beaten in a bowl
15g Ground Almonds
15g Grated hard cheese (I used the Sainsburys basics version)
10g Hogbites pork scratchings (If you use Mr Porkies pick the crunchiest scratchings)
Enough olive oil to coat fill your pan about 1 cm deep.

1. In separate bowls have the egg lightly beaten, the almonds, and the grated cheese mixed with the crushed pork scratchings.
2. Dip each chunk of pork in the egg, then almond meal, then the cheese mixture. Put to one side.
3. Repeat until all of the chunks are coated.
4. Heat the oil in the pan on a low heat until just before it starts spitting.
5. Gently place the coated chunks in the oil with space between them.
6. Leave to fry for 3-5 minutes before turning them over, best done with tongs.
7. When the balls have browned and started to go crispy on the outside remove them and shake off the excess oil onto kitchen towel.

Nutritional Information (per serving)

Calories 316 kcal
Fat 19.2g
Carbs 0.9g
Fiber 0.6g
Protein 33.7g

Pro tips:

  • This coating works well with chicken too, I use it to make chicken dippers with some reduced sugar ketchup.
  • You can miss off the pork scratchings if you don't want the extra calories, but I like the extra crunch they give.

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