Sunday, January 4, 2015

Start of the Year

"New Year, New Year right? Whatever! I've heard that before" As the lovely lady at the Hawkshead shop snorted at me when I was buying walking boots and a cycling jacket at the weekend. It's a fair point. How many years before have people woken up on January 1st and gone "this will be the year! I'll win the nobel prize, get out of bed on the first alarm and do yoga as the sun sets every single day". Then by months end they are snoozing with the best of them while their yoga mat gathers dust in the corner. I'm guilty of that myself. Many a gym membership has been purchased and then forgotten about by the end of January.

I've had quite a turbulent 6 months, well year really hence why I've been a bit quiet on the blogging front. Here is a quick recap of my 2014 the good and the bad:

  • Completed my masters, the single most stressful thing I have ever done.
  • Graduated from University!
  • Got offered a PhD doing research in an area that I find exciting.
  • Gained a nephew.
  • Moved 6 hours/300 miles from all my friends and family.
  • Actually have my own house with my own kitchen and enough cupboard space for all my gadgets. 
  • Started cycling to and from university (still yet to do a whole week!).
  • Gained nearly 3 stone in weight and many many inches.
The main reason the hawkshead lady's comment made me chuckle was because I wasn't buying anything for a new years resolution, unlike the people around me. My change started a few months ago when I began cycling. I needed a cycling jacket since I didn't own a waterproof because I'm from the south where it doesn't rain that much. Know where it rains? In the North, everyday, you practically need to go out in one of those plastic cape things from Thorpe park some weeks.

The new year has meant one thing, I've got no more excuses as to why I'm not ketoing full time. I have kitchen that I can occupy all the time without annoying anyone. I'm not constantly skint anymore so can afford to keto. Christmas has passed so I've got at least until Easter before celebration food becomes an issue again. I have an entire freezer and fridge so prepping in advance isn't at all an issue. There are numerous substitutes on the market for everything I want. There's even a decent keto ice cream now.

This year I don't need a gym membership, cycling twice a day and walking through the beautiful countryside that surrounds me is enough exercise for me, for the time being anyway.

My "New year, New me" isn't starting on January 1st like everyone elses. It's starting on January 5th, once the not-in-laws have left the house, the chocolate coins have been eaten, the bread used up and the food prep for the next month has been done. I did this 3 years ago when I did Dukan for the first time and it worked, this time I've got none of the stumbling blocks I had that time so hears hoping for a more successful 2015! (At least in terms of weight loss)

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