Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Review: M&S Chipotle Chilli British Pork Crackling

Always on the look out for a new snack and given my penchant for wandering around M&S in my lunch hour I stumbled upon this. I believe there was utter glee on my face. I've had fire cracker pork crunch before and we had a unhealthy relationship for a few months and it has since disappeared from my local corner shops never be seen again, I swear the corner shops are all in it together over its disappearance.

I was hopeful this could replace it, but sadly no it was not meant to be. Although I liked the fact the crackling was puffier and crunchier than the standard M&S pork cracking the chilli taste just wasn't there. It sort of hung around in the background, but wasn't powerful enough to actually contribute anything.

To be frank I don't think I'll be getting it again, especially at £1.59 a packet which is meant to serve two. I can see their point with the serving size because of the calories, but it's 45g the same as a packet of crisps clearly people are going to eat the same thing.

I'd rather spend the extra 41p and get some chicken drumsticks.

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