Monday, July 21, 2014

Keto Chocolate Porridge

Despite my best efforts, I have yet to make a keto cereal that I like, that keeps for longer than a day and has a decent serving size. I did this week, however, stumble upon a keto porridge that kept me ridiculously full through the day. Which was an advantage as I had given absolutely no thought to pre planning my food for that day- in my other lack of planning I forgot to photograph it and since my local shop is out of almond milk it will be a while until I make it again.


2 tbsp Milled Flaxseed (I'm a fan of the brazil nut linwoods one as it has a deeper flavour)
1 tbsp Cocoa powder
1 tbsp of granulated sweetener (If you like it sweet)
Enough almond or coconut milk to cover the powder and then some.

  1. Put all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  2. Cover in almond milk and stir, then add a bit more almond milk for good measure as flax is very absorbant.
  3. Microwave for 1-2 minutes stirring every 30 seconds or so until thick and gloopy.
  4. Enjoy!


  1. For people with nut allergies, would this be a case of dropping the Brazil nut linwoods and alomond milk and subbing in flaxseed and coconut milk?

    1. Definitely, it would work with those subs. Or even using cream and a bit of water instead of the almond milk. The flax is just the one I had in the cupboard at the time.
