Monday, May 20, 2013

Mooli Dauphinois

In my ongoing love affair with mooli, and my post exam return to keto I decided to see if they would live upto the task of being a dauphinois potato substitute. I have to say I honestly couldn't tell the difference, something I haven't had yet with a keto food. I will warn you of two things, if you don't cook these for long enough you will be able to taste the difference, and they also smell really spicy when you cut them up so ignore that because you can't taste it after cooking.

Ingredients (makes 2 portions)

200g Mooli/ Daikon (I used 250g but it was actually too much for just two portions hence the lovely ramekin)
100ml Thick cream (you can replace this is single cream so you don't need the milk)
50ml Unsweetened Almond Milk ( thins out the cream)
20g Mature Cheddar

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 C.
  2. Slice the mooli into thin disks, I used the mandolin slicer on my food processor but a knife will work just as well.
  3. Heat the cream and milk in a pan.
  4. Add the sliced mooli to the milk and allow them to simmer in the liquid for roughly 5 minutes. Don't let it boil or spill over as this will burn the liquid.
  5. Fish the mooli out of the liquid and layer them in your dish. Sprinkle salt, pepper and nutmeg on each layer.
  6. Pour the leftover liquid all over the mooli in the dish.
  7. Cook for 30 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half and the top has started to go crunchy.
  8. Remove from the oven and add the grated cheese to the top of the dish.
  9. Put back in the oven and cook for a further 10 minutes.

 Enjoy the sweet fake potatoey goodness!

Note: I made this in a 6 portion dish last week, it took nearly 2 hours to be cooked all the way through, so make sure you allow for extra time if you want to use it for a dinner party.

Nutritional Information

Calories  283 kcal
Fat  28g
Protein  4.4g
Carbs  3.3g
Fibre  1.1g

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