Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chocolate coconut chia pudding

Chia seeds have been floating around in recipes on reddit for months, but aside from not wanting to drop two hours worth of wages on a bag from Holland and Barrett I couldn't find them anywhere in London. Then by chance I wandered into the Phoenicia in Kentish town, which I highly recommend everyone goes to, if only just for the display of amazing looking cakes and olives in the window. While I was wandering around wondering what glorious mediterranean food I could make with what they sold, I spotted a little packet of chia seeds for £3.99. While still expensive, waay cheaper than the £15 Holland and Barrett wanted for something I had no idea if I liked. I've since ordered a bigger batch from ebay because I love them, and love this recipe!

Ingredients (makes 2 large portions of pudding)

250ml Unsweetened Almond Milk
40g Chia seeds ( 2 heaped tablespoons)
20g Unsweetened dessicated coconut
10g Cocoa
1 teaspoon of hermesetas liquid sweetener- depending on how sweet you want it.

You will also need one jar, or large shakable container.

  1.  Measure all your ingredients into the jar.
  2. Give it a quick stir with a spoon.
  3. Affix the lid to your jar/ container.
  4. Shake it like you're making a cocktail/ shaking a polaroid picture/ doing the harlem shake
  5. Put it in the fridge.
  6. Wait, it's normally ready after 3/4 hours but I tend to leave it overnight just to give the chia seeds a really good soak.
Put into a lovely wine glass to serve if you want it to look a bit posh, or like me, are at a stand off with your flatmates over who needs to wash up all the crockery.

Nutritional Information

Calories 184 kcal
Fat 14.1 g
Carbs 2.2g
Fibre 1.9g
Protein 6.4g

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