Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Summer Fruit Porridge

Summer is threatening to arrive in this part of the world, and I have gone off eggs in a major way. My normal breakfast of an egg and bacon omelette isn't appealing and I have been craving something that doesn't make my hair smell like a greasy spoon cafe. 

On one of the many Keto Facebook groups that I'm part of there is a recipe that floats around for Keto Oatmeal. It is that recipe that forms the basis of this breakfast.

Ingredients (Makes 4 portions)

80g Chia Seeds
50g Ground Flaxseed (whichever is your favourite!)
40g Unsweetened Desiccated Coconut
Put the above in a box and shake it all about!!

150ml Almond milk
25g frozen raspberries
25g Frozen Summer fruit mix 

Or 50g of Sainsbury's Basics Frozen Red berry mix
  1. Heat 150 ml unsweetened almond milk in the microwave.
  2. Take 1/4 of the oatmeal mixture in a bowl and pour the heated almond milk over the top.
  3. Stir together and then leave it to sit on the side to thicken for 3/4 minutes.
  4. Stir the mixture again and if it's not thick enough pop it in the microwave for a minute.
  5. Add the frozen berries, mix together watch the berries melt and make a lovely swirly pattern.
You can add granulated sweetener if you want a bit of extra sweetness, I do some days on other days I find the berries are sweet enough. I've left it out of the recipe for simplicity. 

Other options are adding cinnamon, or coco powder for some morning chocolatey goodness. 

If you want to up the calories stir in some heavy cream, or add some pre-cooked bacon like I did this morning.

If you are nut free just mix some thick cream with water instead of the almond milk for a lovely creamy porridge.

Nutritional Information

Calories 270 kcal
Carbohydrate 4g
Protein 10g
Fat 21g
Fibre 15g
Sugar 6g.

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