Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cookie Dough!

I was really surprised that I liked this recipe, and also how simple it was to make. Normally things with coconut flour as the base need a couple of types of liquid to work properly purely because of the amount of liquid it is capable to absorb. Naturally this means that the chances of ending up with a product that is too dry to eat is quite high. But not this time! I love having these on hand for a small dessert or snack in the middle of the evening, it stemmed from a recipe that was kicking around on the forums for a raw cookie dough recipe similar to those you can buy in a tube in America. As yet I haven't tried to bake them, but maybe that is the next stage.

Give them a try and let me know what you think!

 Ingredients (makes 50 circles the size of a £2 coin about 1cm thick)

110g Coconut flour
120g Unsalted butter 
240ml Double Cream
2 tsp vanilla extract (or to taste)
20g 90% Lindt dark chocolate chopped into small pieces
2 tbsp liquid sweetener or equivalent of granulated

You will also need: 5 pieces of baking paper, a spoon for mixing and a bowl.

  1. Melt the 120g of butter in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add the coconut flour, cream, chocolate. I used my cooking scissors to chop up the chocolate, although it does melt quite quickly when you hold it!
  3. Also add the vanilla extract and liquid sweetener, when I make this I normally add half at this stage and half after the mixing so that I can get the taste right.
  4. Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly until all the liquid has been absorbed, all the chocolate chips are evenly distributed and it looks like normal dough. 
  5. Taste a small bit of the dough and adjust the sweetener and the vanilla extract if you need to.
  6. Flatten out the pieces of baking paper.
  7. Evenly split the mixture between the 5 pieces of baking paper. I do this by weighing the bowl before I start, weighing the mixture and the bowl after mixing then subtracting the weight of the bowl. So here- I had a 100g bowl, 600g mixture and bowl, so 500g of mixture which was very handy maths!
  8. Roll the individual portions of mixture between the paper until it forms a smooth sausage shape. You should end up with 5 about the same thickness and length. If you make it too thin a sausage initially just fold the mixture in half and re-roll it.
  9. When all 5 are done, take a sharp knife and slice each roll into 10 equal portions.
  10. Carefully, so as not to squidge the roll together again, wrap the rolls up in the baking paper and fold the ends over.
  11. Put the wrapped rolls into the freezer and eat them as you desire!

I tend to break them up into individual circles after they have frozen solid, and put them in a sandwich bag. They store a lot easier this way and freezer burn is avoided! Take out a couple about 5 minutes before you want to eat them to allow them to defrost slightly.

Nutritional Information (Per circle)

Calories  50 kcal

Protein   0.5g
Fat     4.8g
Carbohydrate 0.6g
Fibre 0.8g

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