Thursday, January 31, 2013

Keto and me.

Hello, my name is Olivia and I'm a carbaholic, or at least I used to be. 12 months ago I had seen enough unflattering pictures of myself, bought too many jeans in a size I was ashamed off, and was generally fed up with the ever increasing number on the scale. That Christmas I had my last hurrah, I gave myself until I got back to Uni to enjoy carbs, then it was the Dukan diet for me.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Dukan diet, it is complete madness and I think that even more now that I'm doing keto, I don't even know why I picked it. It is a no carb, low fat, high protein diet, you can essentially eat all the meat you want, 4 eggs a week, and oatbran once a day. It was exactly what I needed at the time- I needed no temptation, I have never been able to have one slice of bread, I start with one then look up and half the loaf has disappeared a long with a heafty helping of nutella. I survived Dukan because it worked, I lost two stone between January and March, then my exams hit and there is nothing in Dukan to convince you to stay on track when you have been stalling for a month, you are stressed with everything in your life, and all you want is chocolate and bagels. Off the wagon I fell and stayed firmly off until this October, when I discovered Keto.

So when I got back to London, and university life (are you seeing a pattern here?) I knew I could diet properly, my way without any judgement. I had spent the summer half living at home, and half staying with my boyfriends parents until I found a new flat to rent. If you are trying to diet and you are not in control of the cooking I have the deepest sympathy for you, my Mum swung between telling me how I needed to lose weight, and force feeding me if she thought I wasn't eating enough. There was no way I could have started Keto until I could control my cupboards.

I found Keto on Reddit a forum like site which my bf got me into over the summer, ironically I found it when I was searching for ways to get back into the Dukan diet. So I started reading, I read the progress reports, I read the questions, I read the FAQ, I read the meal plan, I read science articles until I was blue in the face one benefit of being a Chem student, I can actually access all the articles and after all that reading I knew it was for me, I was a complete Keto convert.

Fast forward 3 months, I've lost another 2 stone, converted my boyfriend to Keto, and cannot tell you the last time I had pasta, rice or noodles as a base for my food. I survived going home for three weeks at Christmas and stuck to Keto rigidly enough for the holidays which I haven't been able to do with any other diet.

This blog is an answer to constant ranting from the boy that I make new dishes that he likes and then don't tell him the recipe for whatever reason, it is also a result of the fact everywhere I look recipes for Keto are in cups not grams or ounces. Not being a fan of a cup as my main measurement I'm constantly trying new recipes and rewriting them in grams so I get exactly the same thing next time. Most of the ingredients I use will be from Sainsburys/Tesco or Holland and Barrett, I'll let you know if I have had to order something off the interweb or I've gone to a different shop.

So enjoy, and tell me if you have any requests and I will see what I can do.


  1. Just wanted to thank you for the time taken to blog so thoroughly. As a recent UK convert, this has been a godsend.

    1. You're welcome! It's on hiatus a bit at the moment while I do my exams, but let me know if there is anything you feel it lacks and I'll see what I can come up with.

    2. Great blog.... thank you for sharing!

  2. Olivia, you and your recipes are a Godsend! Epic blog! One question though... Where do you buy your coconut oil from?
